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Composting: How Is It Sustainable?

Composting food is a great way to support and practice sustainability, however before we get into why, let's discuss exactly what composting is; composting is recycling or decomposing any organic materials, such as food, into fertilizer. The act of composting is very beneficial in the world of sustainability, as the fertilizer that is created from composting is often very useful and holds much potential. Aside from creating useful fertilizer, there are several other benefits composting provides benefits which include reducing the amount of waste in landfills, improving air quality, decreasing greenhouse emissions, and so on. You can easily begin and continue practicing composting by simply collecting all your food scraps, excluding meat and dairy products, and storing these scraps in a place such as your freezer and or fridge. Some of these foods can include fruits, veggies, eggshells, however, we recommend straying away from products that may be buttery or oily, as a way of avoiding any unwanted pests. From there, you should consider an area to keep your compost in after its initial place; this can be in your backyard, such as in a garden, or even keeping it by your sink. Composting brings many benefits to the table, and works hand in hand with sustainability; when will you start composting?

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