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What Are GMO's?

GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms, are organisms that contain genetic components that are modified to meet particular standards. The process of genetically modifying an organism is typically done in laboratories, constructing combinations of the different genes in the organisms. There is a decent amount of controversy regarding GMOs due to the fact that they create altered and irregular versions of products rather than keeping them natural, or at least in their natural state. Furthermore, these massive organizations are in control of GMOs, and there is little known about long term impacts and whether they will end up negatively impacting the public, or not. Despite the controversy however, GMOs provide many benefits, including tastier and more nutritious foods, crops being modified to resist or protect against insects and pests that could harm them, modifying the crops to survive tenuous circumstances that could prevent growth, and lowered costs. To put it into perspective, let's say you like watermelons, however you don’t like the black seeds that come with it. You now have the ability to go to the store and purchase genetically modified watermelons that are seedless. Some examples of genetically modified foods you likely consume regularly are corn, apples and potatoes.


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